Kloos 2004. Tibetan Medicine among the Buddhist Dards of Ladakh. Vienna: Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, 183 pages
Edited Volumes
Kloos & Blaikie (eds.) 2022. Asian Medical Industries: Contemporary Perspectives on Traditional Pharmaceuticals. Routledge, 352 pages. Reviewed in Asian Medicine 19:1 (Glover 2024)
Pordié & Kloos (eds.) 2022. Healing at the Periphery: Ethnographies of Tibetan Medicine in India. Durham: Duke University Press, 211 pages. Reviewed in Journal of Anthropological Research 78:4 (Glover 2022); Journal of Asian Studies 82:4 (Namdul 2023); Anthropologie & Santé 27 (Zaragoza 2023); Asian Medicine 18:1-2 (van der Valk 2024); EASTS 18:1 (Lu 2024)
PhD Dissertation (unpublished)
Kloos 2010. Tibetan Medicine in Exile: the ethics, politics and science of cultural survival. Universities of California, San Francisco & Berkeley
Journal Articles & Book Chapters
Kloos 2022. Introduction: Asian Medical Industries. In: Kloos & Blaikie (eds.) Asian Medical Industries: Contemporary Perspectives on Traditional Pharmaceuticals. Routledge, pp. 1-28
Kloos 2022. The Emergence of a Traditional Mongolian Medicine Industry: Communism, continuity and reassemblage. In: Kloos & Blaikie (eds.) Asian Medical Industries: Contemporary Perspectives on Traditional Pharmaceuticals. Routledge, pp. 280-304
Kloos & Pordié 2022. Introduction: The Indian Face of Sowa Rigpa. In: Pordié & Kloos (eds.) Healing at the Periphery: Ethnographies of Tibetan Medicine in India. Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 1-21
Kloos 2022. Good Medicines, Bad Hearts: The Social Role of the Amchi in a Buddhist Dard Community. In: Pordié & Kloos (eds.) Healing at the Periphery: Ethnographies of Tibetan Medicine in India. Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 41-64
Kloos 2021. From Buddhist Deities to the Spirit of Capitalism: Tibetan Medicine and the Remaking of Inner Asia. In: Andre Gingrich (ed.) Anthropology in Motion: Encounters with current trajectories of scholarship from Austria, Country Series vol. 4 of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Canon Pyon: Sean Kingston, pp. 112-135
Wangchuk et al. (incl. Kloos) 2020. The ethnobotany, pharmacognosy, chromatography, phytochemistry and pharmacology of three Corydalis species used in Sowa Rigpa medicine. Journal of Herbal Medicine 23: 100384
Kloos, Madhavan, Tidwell, Blaikie & Cuomu 2020. The Transnational Sowa Rigpa Industry in Asia: New Perspectives on an Emerging Economy. Social Science & Medicine 245: 112617
Kloos 2020. Humanitarianism from Below: Sowa Rigpa, the Traditional Pharmaceutical Industry, and Global Health. Medical Anthropology 39(2): 167-181
Partially republished in Schiocchet, Nölle-Karimi & Mokre (eds) Agency and Tutelage in Forced Migration. ROR-n Plattform 2(1): 157-164 (2020)
Kloos 2017. The Pharmaceutical Assemblage: Rethinking Sowa Rigpa and the Herbal Pharmaceutical Industry in Asia. Current Anthropology 58(6): 693-717
Kloos 2017. The Politics of Preservation and Loss: Tibetan Medical Knowledge in Exile. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (EASTS) 11(2): 135-159
Kloos 2016. The Recognition of Sowa Rigpa in India: How Tibetan Medicine Became an Indian Medical System. Medicine, Anthropology, Theory 3(2): 19-49
Kloos 2015. (Im-)Potent Knowledges: Preserving “traditional” Tibetan medicine through modern science. In: Beer & Mackenthun (eds.) Fugitive Knowledge: The Loss and Preservation of Knowledge in Cultural Contact Zones. Münster & New York: Waxmann, pp. 123-142
Kloos 2015. Einleitung: Die Übersetzung und Entwicklung der Tibetischen Medizin im Exil. and Introduction: The Translation and Development of Tibetan Medicine in Exile. In: Ploberger (ed.) Das Letzte Tantra, aus “Die vier Tantra der Tibetischen Medizin”. Schiedlberg: Bacopa, pp. 19-35
Kloos 2013. How Tibetan Medicine Became a ‘Medical System’. East Asian Science, Technology and Society – EASTS 7(3): 381-395
Kloos 2012. Die Alchemie exil-tibetischer Identität: Anmerkungen zur pharmazeutischen und politischen Wirksamkeit tibetischer Pillen. Curare 35(3): 197-207
Kloos 2012. Legends from Dha-Hanu: Oral Histories of the Buddhist Dards in Ladakh. Ladakh Studies Journal 28: 17-26
Kloos 2011. Navigating “Modern Science” and “Traditional Culture”: The Dharamsala Men-Tsee-Khang in India in: Adams, V., Schrempf, M., & S. Craig (eds.) Medicine between Science and Religion: Explorations on Tibetan Grounds. Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 83-105.
Kloos 2008. The History and Development of Tibetan Medicine in Exile. Tibet Journal 33(3): 15-49
Kloos 2006. Amchi Medizin zwischen Rand und Mitte. in: Gingrich, A. & G. Hazod (eds.) Der Rand und die Mitte. Beiträge zur Sozialanthropologie und Kulturgeschichte Tibets und des Himalaya. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 55-77
Gürtler, Kaufmann & Kloos 2006. Freiheit von sich selbst erlangen: Ein Systematisierungsversuch zur Entkonditionierung. Salzburger Beiträge zur Erziehungswissenschaft 10(1): 63-80
Kloos 2005. Le développement dans la négociation du pouvoir: Le cas de la medicine tibétaine à Hanu, Inde Himalayenne. in: Pordié, L. (ed.) Panser le monde, penser les médecines. Essais sur les traditions médicales. Paris: Karthala pp. 101-122
Review Articles & Reports
Kloos 2023. The Mongol Tradition of Sowa Rigpa: Traditional and Integrative Medicine in Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, and Buryatia. Mongolian Journal of Integrated Medicine 13(1): 96
Kloos 2022. Chee, L.P.Y. (2021) Mao’s Bestiary: Medicinal Animals and Modern China. Durham & London: Duke University Press, 276 pages. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (EASTS) 16(4): 560-563
Kloos 2021. Historicizing Brand Value: a comparison between Mongolian and Tibetan medicine. Mongolian Journal of Integrated Medicine 9(3): 191
Kloos 2020. Coderey, C. and L. Pordié, eds. (2019) Circulation and Governance of Asian Medicine. Oxon & New York: Routledge, 163 pages. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (EASTS) 14(4): 689-694
Kloos 2019. Hofer, T. (2018) Medicine and Memory in Tibet: Amchi Physicians in an Age of Reform. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 286 pages. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (EASTS) 13(4): 583-587
Kloos 2018. Celebrating the Men-Tsee-Khang’s 100th Anniversary, 12-13 September 2016: A Report from Lhasa. Tibet Journal 43(1): 169-173
Kloos 2018. Sowa Rigpa in Modern Asia: From Traditional Medicine to Innovative Industry. Sowa Rigpa Journal – Traditional Tibetan Medicine Today 2(2018): 37-40
Kloos 2017. 100th Anniversary Celebrations of the Men-Tsee-Khang – Lhasa, Tibet. HIMALAYA, the Journal of the Association of Nepal and Himalayan Studies 37(2): 121-124
Kloos 2016. Tibetan Medicine Committee Inaugural Conference. World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, Xining, Qinghai (China), August 7-9, 2015. A Report. Curare 39(1): 95-96
Kloos 2014. Happy Hearts for the Motherland? A Review of Melvin Goldstein’s book “The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet, and the Dalai Lama”. Tibet Journal 39(2): 153-160
Kloos 2014. Adams, V. (2013) Markets of Sorrow, Labors of Faith. New Orleans in the Wake of Katrina, Durham & London: Duke University Press, 227 pages. Social Anthropology 22(4): 487-8
Kloos 2013. Hofer, T. (2011) Tibetan Medicine on the Margins: Twentieth Century Transformations of the Traditions of Sowa Rigpa in Central Tibet, PhD Dissertation, University College London, 366 pages.
Kloos 2013. Craig, S.R. (2012) Healing Elements: Efficacy and the Social Ecologies of Tibetan Medicine, Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 321 pages. | Science, Medicine, and Anthropology
Kloos 2012. Fassin, D. (2012) Humanitarian Reason. A Moral History of the Present. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press, 336 pages. Social Anthropology 20(3): 338-9
Kloos 2012. McGranahan, C. (2010) Arrested Histories. Tibet, the CIA, and memories of a forgotten war. Durham & London: Duke University Press, 307 pages. Social Anthropology 20(1): 115-6
Kloos 2009. Prost, A. (2008) Precious Pills. Medicine and Social Change among Tibetan Refugees in India. Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books, 136 pages. Asian Medicine 4(2): 553-4
Kloos 2020. Geschichte des ÖAW Instituts für Sozialanthropologie. | History of the ÖAW Institute for Social Anthropology. Website of the Institute for Social Anthropology
Kloos & Coops 2014. Text and images on Rubin Museum of Art exhibition website “Bodies in Balance” (interactive section on contemporary Tibetan medicine in India)